ISSN: 2660-5503
Musicoterapia para la rehabilitación del habla en la enfermedad de Párkinson
Roger Ramírez Ribera
Music therapist. Centre for Musical Studies of Benifaió (Valencia)
Parkinson's Disease is a neurodegenerative disease that causes deterioration of the nervous system and, among the generality of symptoms it produces, the ability to speak in the person who suffers from it decreases. As healthcare professionals, caregivers, and individuals affected by Parkinson's Disease, your role in this intervention proposal is crucial. Together, we aim to rehabilitate the speech mechanisms impaired by the disease, enabling the affected person to express themselves orally in a comprehensible manner and function independently in their daily environment.
The methodology used to recover these mechanisms is based on techniques developed by Thaut and Hömberg in what is called Neurological Music Therapy, an aspect of music therapy aimed at preserving or rehabilitating cognitive, motor and language dysfunctions caused by sudden injuries or neurological degeneration conditions. In the case of language dysfunctions, singing therapeutically involves, on the one hand, relaxation, breathing and vocal emission activities to improve phonation; on the other hand, exercises aimed at recovering the mobility of the articulatory organs for the adequate production of vowels and letters and, finally, rhythm, intonation, melody and accentuation activities to recover the expressiveness of speech.
Ramirez-Ribera, R. (2024). Music therapy to rehabilitate speech in Parkinson's disease [Musicoterapia para la rehabilitación del habla en la enfermedad de Párkinson]. Misostenido, 4(7), 54-61.
Music therapy, Parkinson's, speech, rehabilitation, voice.
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