ISSN: 2660-5503
Intervención con musicoterapia para mujeres acosadas sexualmente en el trabajo
Esther Gómez Romera
Musicologist, music therapist and professor in International University of La Rioja
It would seem that the male superiority that is still present in hierarchical labour relations has placed women in a clear sphere of inferiority. This unequal hierarchy may inadvertently contribute to the emergence of harassment and bullying attitudes towards women workers. It would seem that since the 1970s, such behaviour has increased considerably in our society. It can be challenging to define, detect and treat sexual harassment at work accurately due to the characteristics that define it. This is because it can be confused with other types of violence. It is important to recognise that the effects of harass- ment at work can be far-reaching, affecting not only the psychological well-being of workers but also their physical and social health. According to different studies, the symptoms presented by the workers included anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, bulimia nervosa, post-traumatic stress disorder, lack of communication, social isolation, and other types of illnesses and pathologies. This suggests that there is a clear need to consider implementing more personalised treatments to improve the well-being and quality of life of the patients.The objective of this article is to present a proposal for the implementation of music therapy interventions with the aim of reducing the effects manifested by female workers. In order to achieve this, we will draw upon the insights gained from successful music therapy studies carried out with women in similar contexts.This will allow us to highlight the value of this therapeutic field and its significant advances in recent years.
Gómez-Romera, E. (2024). Music Therapy intervention for women sexually harassed at work [Intervención con musicoterapia para mujeres acosadas sexualmente en el trabajo]. Misostenido, 4(7), 34-42.
Sexual harassment, gender equality, victims of harassment, harassment at work, music therapy.
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