Estrés académico y musicoterapia en Ecuador
Mario Ayabaca. San Francisco University of Quito
Mateo Jaramillo. Galagagos Island Project
MAIL: mario.ayabaca@gmail.com
The Academic stress has a close relationship between the educational and mental health contexts of a country. Likewise, this type of stress hinders the pedagogical process in students at different levels. After understanding the Ecuadorian context related to these elements in Ecuador, a proposed intervention is presented, focused in reducing academic stress levels in university students of an educational institution in the city of Quito, Ecuador. The project consists of 6 phases, within which 12 sessions of music therapy will be implemented using the non-verbal methodology of Benenzon and the GIM method. Additionally, it will have an evaluative and statistical component, based on a quantitative methodology, using the SISCO inventory of academic stress. It is expected that the application of music therapy sessions will reduce the academic stress levels in university students, and foremore, the proposal will serve as a reference for future intervention projects and academic research. Through this article, we aim to demonstrate that the use and application of music therapy in educational institutions is an accessible, effective, and inclusive alternative within a multicultural and contemporary society.
Ayabaca, M. y Jaramillo, M. (2023). Academic stress and music therapy in Ecuador [Estrés académico y musicoterapia en Ecuador]. Misostenido, 3(5), 82-88. https://doi.org/10.59028/misostenido.2023.17
Academic Stress, education, Music Therapy, Ecuador